The instant messaging service WhatsApp is still growing and remains a world leader in its segment, but with rivals like Telegram and LINE, or Facebook Messenger, which also shows an interesting growth rate. One of the biggest drawbacks of WhatsApp, in the opinion of some users, is that the service is not free, but it lends an almost symbolic dollar less than the annual fee. But some users will account for free in appreciation of the company. Also Read: How Hackers Hack Whatsapp Account

WhatsApp Will Give Some Users Annuity Accounts

As we advanced, WhatsApp is paid, although the annual fee even reaches the dollar, and users can take advantage of discounts for early payment of up to four years of service. Some have lifetime accounts on WhatsApp after purchasing the iPhone application when payment was made, but the rest have to pay the fee after the expiration notice that WhatsApp launches when the service renewal is next. However, the signing of Mark Zuckerberg will give some users free lifetime WhatsApp, as we know and tell you first. Some of the major changes expected this year involve the security of WhatsApp as the arrival of the verification encryption, which will also be available in the group chat. However, they also expect new features such as sharing Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents through the platform and even video calls between users of WhatsApp. , however, is not expected that the signing of Mark Zuckerberg will WhatsApp free some of its members as a thank you, although we do not yet know what precisely motivated them. Also Read: How To Crash Someone’s Whatsapp By Sending Lots Of Smileys As we have seen, a new application entry will notify the user ‘graced’ with a message that can be read, “Courtesy you have given lifelong service to your account (phone number). Thank you!”. This novelty will arrive in one of the next updates to Android and iOS and probably also to other operating systems that WhatsApp is available. However, as anticipated, why and who gives Facebook the service WhatsApp free is unknown.

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